Monday, October 13, 2008

Universal Light Expo Columbus Ohio

We went on an adventure with some dear friends, whom I consider to be pride mates, this weekend. We went to the Universal Light Expo. It was a very different kind of show for me.

There were many psychics of various kinds. I saw exactly none of them. This is not because I doubt their abilities so much as because I have too many gifted friends to give my time or money to anyone else.

What turned out to be the best of the showing there were the crystal and gem vendors. I love my rocks! I picked up a few. Some of them spoke to me directly and one spoke to my sister for me. Soooo, I have had to add a few earth friends to my huge rock family.

I think the most curious find for me was the green kyanite. I picked one up along with a new blue one. After the show we went to my sister's home to play with our finds. I found that with the blue kyanite in one hand and the green in the other, they set up an energy circut that is not only similar, but exactly like, working with a human partner. I highly recommend trying this, especially if you are working alone and need to raise energy.

I found a couple of pieces of brown selenite as well. These held in both hands do a different sort of thing. It feels as though together they they increase your ability to ground and center. This happens spontaneously without a conscious effort on my part. I think this might come in handy on a regular basis.

The white polished selenite I purchased was recommended by my sister. I took some aural and chakra centered damage recently. She thought that this stone might help me repair that damage. It does seem to stimulate the correct areas, though no description or listing of its abilities would suggest this. I guess this is just one of those things.

I also realized something about these sorts of gatherings, they are very draining. I am no slouch when it comes to personal warding. Let me tell you though, despite all the grounding and shielding, after four hours of walking around this place on Saturday, I am still wiped out today.

All in all though, it was a great time with fabulous friends. We made some very good finds. Spent quality time with each other and laughed bunches. Again I have to say I highly recommend it!

Love and Light

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