Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Divine in the Real World

Some folks think that it is no longer posible to have actual interaction with the Divine outside of meditation or dream work. They think that the Divine can not be seen or interacted with in the real waking world. I have to say through my own personal experience that this is not the case.

I have seen the face of the Greenman in the trees. Not only did that image last for several minutes but it was witnessed by another. The timing was also rather stunning in that I was wondering whether to bring a male energy back into my practice. I had been neglecting that for a couple of years and really only acknowleging the feminine.

This experience alone would not necessarily cause me to conclude that the Divine is still very active in the real waking world. Now the fact that an old and forgotten African Goddess first had me draw a portrait of her and then try my hand at sculpting for the first time kind of convinced me. The lack of focus and sleep until these things were done, the very real circles under my eyes, they did give me pause.

I have seen and communicated with the Fey. I don't mean in that place between sleeping and waking either. I mean wide awake, 6 inches from my face, it was looking at me and then a flash bright enough to leave spots and then it was gone.

I have heard a guardian spirit howl a warning. Oddly within a day a non-magick practioner had reported seeing it in her back yard. It was nice validation that what I heard had not been in my head, but the eccho was really all the proof I needed.

Some folks have asked me what's so special about me that I have these interactions. Well the answer is simple and not. I am open to having them. It does not scare me to see the Divine in my real life. I do not draw a line between my "magickal" time and the rest of my life. I found that many people do draw a line and I can not for the life of me figure out why. Your spirituality is what makes all this, this life, worth living. It is the aroma, flavor and color of our world. Frankly, in my opinion it is the main reason we are here in the first place.

Love and Light

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