Monday, September 8, 2008

The Heart of Zanesville

A few years ago I read a blurb in a book about finding the heart of a place. I put that little bit of info away because there is really only one reason to find the heart of a city. That reason is to contact the Spirit of the City.

That doesn't sound like a bad thing at all does it? The trouble is that most of these beings are ignored by 99.9% of the folks who live in their domain. They are lonely. The problem comes when they have a friend or contact in the human world they tend to want them to stay in the city.

Now that doesn't mean you can't take a short trip or go on vacation. It does mean that you had better want to make your home there for a very long time. While being on good working terms with a Spirit of a given city can be a huge boost for every aspect of your life, it can cause extreme problems if you ever want to leave for good.

All of this has been much on my mind for a while. I was stalling. I was unsure if this city was where I wanted to spend the rest of my life. I didn't want issues if I decided to leave. I didn't want to hurt a being that was minding its' own business until I knocked on its' perverbial door. So time has gone by, until Sunday.

I figured out where the Heart was and I went there. I walked around for a while with Reaz. He took his camera and got some good shots of the place. It is a really nice spot. I certain area there really tugged at me.

It was a small square there that has a monument to those Police, Sheriffs, and Firefighters who have died in service to our town. They were warriors who fell defending the charges of the Spirit of the city. I too am a warrior in my own right and the daughter of a firefighter. It did not suprise me that this was the spot for introductions.

I had not planned to meditate there. I only thought to feel out the energy and get an idea of what this Spirit might be like. Almost as soon as I sat down my mind folded in on itself and I was adrift in a deep meditation. I called to the Spirit who was calling to me. She is a lovily creature.

I do not yet know her name. Spirits of any sort guard those very carefully. That information is for another day. Over time though, I think it will be given to me. For now I am content with the image of her. She looks Native American and peaceful. The wind was caught in her long blue black hair. She regarded me with a smile, small but genuine. We can work together, she and I.

Needless to say, I am not disappointed that I met her. I am glad I finally took that step. After all, fear profits a man (or woman) nothing.

Love and Light


dantallion said...

So I'm guessing that you're there to stay...

Beautiful post.

Rev. Kimberly Rich said...

Yes Dan I would have to say that I am here for good.

Thank you sir! It has been a long time.