Sunday, September 14, 2008

Welcome Old Ones

Most folks around here know that I am a pagan. Some know what kind of path I gravitate toward, Wiccan. So I cast circle most of the time to do my work.

The way the circle works is that I set up a barriar between me and any negative energy or beings that might be floating about. Then, I send out requests and invitations for certain other positive beings to come assist with or act as witnesses to my workings.

A circle casting usually ends with the statement "Welcome Old Ones". Most folks assumes that the Old Ones are all those being you have just summoned, stirred or called to your circle. There is another school of thought though, of which I am a follower, that the Old Ones are not any of the previously mentioned invitees.

The thought on this follows along the these lines.

There have always been Gods and Goddesses out there from the begining of time. They are numerous and varied. Just like us they have certain interests and likes and dislikes. This being accepted as truth we can move on to the idea that some of them were more active in the past than they are now.

There are Gods and Goddesses who perfered the old times. They liked the primordial world better than this present time. They enjoyed helping the Neanderthal and early humans in their struggles. It would be a little more exciting. Those people would have had a closer tie to their Gods as their very survival depended on Them.

This time was before written word. There may be little statues somewhere or a cave painting or two, but the names of these Gods have been lost to time. They are the forgotten Gods and Goddesses of our world.

These beings of forgotten names and powers are the ones we are welcoming. They recognise the call for aid from that place deep in the recesses of our hearts and minds that is still primal. The place that screams, "I will survive at all costs!"

In deep meditation or deep dreaming, when the veil starts to thin you can sometimes make contact with an Old One, or rather they can make contact with you. Given that chance, remember their names and use them. Call to them directly and their attention and aid are swift and powerful.

How do I know these things you may ask? My mate and I have attracted the attention of an Old One. Nahnua, The Loiness, Woman Who Hunts, The Den Mother, and she is an awsome being. We honor her and she honors us.

One day I will tell the story of how we met. This is something She would like very much. Times are changing and She knows She will be needed again soon. This frightens me and fills me with wonder. Her message for us for the moment is to gather your Pride and keep them close. Words to live by!

Love and Light


dantallion said...

I think that's a story that I would very much enjoy reading!

Rev. Kimberly Rich said...

You will get to read it soon. I promise!